Some nutrition is in there to help with your hopeful results. This type of training is sort of a kin to a machine gun fire. Rapid succession of predetermined exercises in rapid order.
Catalog description: None. weird hu?
My take on this type of training is it reminds me of the Max-OT type training. Well this is perhaps where the max-ot training got it's start. Doing heavy weight with a predetermined order and speed. There is a very specific diet plan included that must be strictly followed. Hint buy up eggs when on sale...
A few round a bout notes are that the full title is A muscle has FOUR SIDES, how to build more muscle in the shortest time possible. Then at the bottom "When Vince speaks the stars listen".
The muscle building thing is on display clearly but the reference to the stars must have been a marketing thing that is now not understood. No actor, musician or other type of star including any physique person is used in the pictures or referenced in the writings.
Some high lights are:
- One exercise performed for one set only with reps not exceeding 12
- Exercises are set, no deviation is permissible.
- Get ready to eat your eggs... RAW and a-lot of them.
- News flash Vince has made arrangements with a local motel a block away from the gym so you can train with him (This is noted because most trainers try to do this very thing now a days, Vince; as always the innovator)
Over all impression: This is a really good type of training that all weight trainers should try at least once or use it to get past a sticking point, only real draw back is if you are not familiar with old style exercises, IE zottman curls…
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